Wednesday, 27 October 2010


This is one of an Entrepreneur's greatest secrets to financial success. Love what you do! And loving what you do certainly beats doing something that you hate. Just ask any passionate golfer what they would rather do on a beautiful sunny day ~ play a round of golf or mow the lawn? Now ask the same passionate golfer what they would rather do on a cold rainy day play a round of golf or mow the lawn! 100% guarantee they would choose a round of golf every time. It's always easier to do something you love and enjoy. Something that gives us pleasure, rather than something that is a chore, something that we hate and is a dead set pain in the butt!

One of your primary responsibilities in life, is to find out what you really enjoy doing, something that you have a natural talent for, and then to throw your whole heart into doing that very, very well. Self-made millionaires are those who have found a field where their natural strengths and abilities are exactly what are required to do the job. Discover something that gets your creative juices flowing, something that makes you happy, something that gives you pleasure and then set about achieving the desired results.

Most self-made millionaires say that they've never worked a day in their life. Why? Because they have found their passion, they love and enjoy what they do and it is a pleasure not a pain to do it! Your dream, goal and job as a self made millionaire is to, "never work another day in your life unless you want to"! You must find a field in which you can do be totally absorbed. A job or business venture that completely fascinates you, that holds your attention. That is a natural expression of your special talents and abilities. When you love and enjoy what you are doing, you seem to have a continuous flow of excitement, energy, and ideas to do what you do even better.

Ask yourself these two questions:
1.   If you won a million dollars, tax-free, tomorrow, would you continue to do what you are currently doing?
2.   Would you stay at your current job?

These are great questions. Think about what you would do differently if you had all the time and money you needed and you were free to choose your occupation. Self-made millionaires, if they won a million dollars in cash, would continue doing what they are doing. And then some! Don't take my word for it......check out some millionaires, even billionaires that you know. I bet they are not sitting on their front porch in their slippers. What do you mean you don't know any millionaires and billionaires to check out!

Of course you do! What about - Warren Buffet, Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Anthony Robbins, Sir Richard Branson, Bill Gates Mike Adenuga, Aliko Dangote, Professor Wole Soyinka....come on you know these guys. You also know that if they won a million dollars in cash, they would continue doing what they are doing, only they would do more of it, does it better, differently or somewhere else. However, they love and enjoy their work so much you know they wouldn't even think of leaving it or retiring.

In your adult life, when you are surrounded by so many different choices of occupation and activity, your greatest responsibility, is for you to find out what it is that you really love doing and then to dedicate yourself to that field. You are the only one who can make the choice; no one else can do it for you.